To friends looking for a place to stay in 4-6 m...

Søger i København

Maks husleje 13.000,00 kr/md
Værelser2 værelser
Mindste areal50m2
Tidligste indflytnings datoSnarest muligt
Dato: 854 dage siden
Kontakt lejer

To friends looking for a place to stay in 4-6 months

Værelser2 værelser
Mindste areal50m2
Tidligste indflytnings datoSnarest muligt
Profil typeBofæller
Maks leje13.000,00 kr/md
BeskæftigelseI arbejde
UdlejningsperioderUnder 12 måneder

Hello landlord.
We are two friends looking for a place to stay for 4-6 months. My name is Lasse and I am 19 years old. In my daily life I work in a consulting company in Lyngby. My friend William is 20 years old and studying business economics and math inside CBS. We are two calm boys who both work hard and train in our spare time. We are looking for a quiet and cozy place to live in Copenhagen where we can relax after work.
Yours sincerely
Lasse and William

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