31 year old female looking for a place to live ...

Søger i København

Maks husleje 4.500,00 kr/md
Værelser1 værelse
Mindste areal8m2
Tidligste indflytnings datoSnarest muligt
Dato: 128 dage siden
Kontakt lejer

31 year old female looking for a place to live in Copenhagen, Denmark

Værelser1 værelse
Mindste areal8m2
Tidligste indflytnings datoSnarest muligt
Profil typeKvinde
Maks leje4.500,00 kr/md
BeskæftigelseI arbejde
UdlejningsperioderUnder 12 måneder

Hi, I am moving to Copenhagen for an internship and looking for a room to rent for 6-9 months.My friends would describe me as a kind, considerate, and chatty person and I enjoy socialising and having good conversations, but also value my own space and quiet time. I can definitely be loud and energetic when I'm around people, but I'm also respectful of others' needs and boundaries and happy to give space where needed! While I love a good chat or group hangout, I also spend a fair amount of time in my room recharging and enjoying some alone time.

I come from a large family and have a great respect for shared spaces, which I will make sure to keep tidy. If it's a family dinner situation I'll be the first to volunteer to wash-up! I don't currently know anyone in Copenhagen so would love to find a house with someone who can give reccomendations or wants to play the tour guide once in a while, but also happy if it's more of each to their own situation.

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