Par forskere søger lejlighed i Kbh

Area: København

Max rent 10,000.00dkk/mth
Rooms2 rooms
Minimum area35m2
Earliest occupation dateAs soon as possible
Date: 2944 days ago
Contact tenant

Par forskere søger lejlighed i Kbh

Rooms2 rooms
Minimum area35m2
Earliest occupation dateAs soon as possible
Profile typeCouple
Max rent10,000.00dkk/mth
Property typesApartment
Rental periodsUnlimited
Over 12 months

We are Alba (from Barcelona, PhD in Biomedicine) and Guillame (from Brussels, MSc in Neurosciences), we have been living in Boston but we are moving now to Copenhagen. Alba starts working as a doctor March 1st at Panum within the Novo Nordisk Center for Metabolic Research. Alba has lived in Copenhagen before during her master and her PhD. We plan to live in Copenhagen at least 2-3 years! We are very clean, respectful and easy-going people. Indeed, we love to "hygge"!

We are interested in a 2-room apartment (or 1-room if it is big enough) located near Panum (with preferences for Frederiksberg, Norrebro, Vesterbro and Osterbro, but other ones). We want to rent long-term.

Alba comes to Copenhagen Feb 23rd to find a place before starting to work! Let us know if you have an apartment to offer/show :)

Mange tak!

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